VINTA District Pro D Day #2 – Friday, February 22, 2019

Making This Field Trip Matter!
Place-Based Field Trip Professional Development Day

Click here to sign up!

Place-based education immerses students in local heritage, cultures, landscapes, opportunities and experiences using these as a foundation for the study of language arts, mathematics, social studues, science and other subjects across the curriculum. The day is an opportunity to learn about local history and resources and how you can bring that into your lessons. This is an opportunity for you to explore North Island field trip options with the supports of a local guide. With a local guide, Knowledge Keeper, and your colleagues, we hope you will learn and think about new ideas and ways to explore place-based education in your programming.

*Transportation will be provided for these trips. You will be contacted by email with detailed instructions about your specific trip. Participants are expected to ride the bus and mileage will NOT be paid to individuals.

*Please pack your own lunch for the day! Food will NOT be provided. Many of the field trips are outside and will proceed regardless of the weather. Please dress appropriate for the trip.

*Please selection ONE field trip to attend. These are FULL DAY field trips.

*Registration deadline is February 1, 2019. Limited spaces are available on each trip so please register early to avoid disappointment.