Local Bargaining and School Visits

Local Bargaining

We concluded our local Bargaining with the School District on Monday. It was an interesting process. There was no realistic dispute resolution process, so, essentially each party had a veto. If one side or the other did not agree to something, they could simply say no and that was it. It meant we usually had to make nice, nice.

We were able to accomplish some of our objectives and others we were not able to achieve. It is the way of many bargaining processes, and it would be unusual to be able to achieve success with all one’s objectives. Under the circumstances, it is note worthy we were able to attain some limited success. A great deal of thanks goes to our bargaining team for their work, their patience and their perseverance. They were: Robert Fyles, Shawn Gough, Robena MacLaren, Jackie Poynter, Richard Starr and Teresa Wadhams.

Currently our plan is to visit with each staff in the district and review all of the items we agreed to with the School District. This will give everyone the opportunity to hear a few more details of the agreement and to ask questions. We hope to visit all staffs in the next two weeks.

We know it is a very busy time of year. However, it is important that everyone has the opportunity hear of the potential changes to our Collective Agreement.

And, as it happens there are some very real unknowns on the provincial scene. The white paper on teacher bargaining (the 10 year agreement jazz) all of a sudden has more significance since the election. The Clark government is seriously talking about the possibility of legislation over the summer. What do we need to prepare?….How do we communicate with everyone over the summer? ….We would do well to put our minds to these and other questions.

If there is a good time to meet with your staff could you please call the office.
I will call around and try and set up times to meet.

The following is a brief review of our local bargaining:

1. School District items

• The district did not bring any large issues to the table. As a result of some of our successful grievances they wanted to update clauses around Maternity leave and the SEP plan. This included how the top up is calculated and the continuation of benefits and experience credit while on leave. We agreed to this.

2. Post and Fill

• We did come to an agreement about some changes to post and fill. We agreed vacancies should be posted and open to anyone to apply. There are a few qualifying details with this as well.

3. Consultation and Collaboration

• There was general agreement about the importance of consultation and collaboration in what we do, especially in the current climate of education. That is where it ended. – The District had no desire to include it in our Collective Agreement.

4. Parental Complaints

• We agreed to a VINTA proposal to try and establish a limited process to try and address parental complaints.

5. Provision of Tech equipment

• It was suggested by theDistrict that provision of tech equipment should be a normal function of the school budgeting process.. This would include supplying teachers with tech equipment needed to perform their jobs. i.e laptop etc.- They believe there is no need to include this in the CA – it SHOULD be happening…….

6. TIC – duties / pay

• The District agreed to address this at a later date through the Mid contract modification process.

7. G.24.4 Leave for Circumstances beyond an Employees Control

• Nope – don’t want to talk about it.

8. TTOC’s – issues

• “A” and “B” lists
– agreement to establish two lists – each is voluntary
• central call
– the district is looking at this but not willing to write it in the CA – infringement on management rights
• Pro-D provision
– No willingness to include TTOC’s in the Pro-D fund

9. Cultural Leave – definition

• We clarified the definition of a cultural leave.

10. Health and Safety

• We agreed to some language about the role of the District Health and Safety Committee.